A real pimcore demo please

Standard demos are for the others.


Real Data
For a meaningful demo, we need your data - not just any data. Not all of it, but a good set that will let you see how Pimcore works specifically for your business. This way, you'll experience firsthand how the platform can address your unique needs.
A demo only makes sense if you see your specific use cases. We don’t show you just any system - we use your real-world scenarios. This helps you make an informed decision on whether Pimcore is the right solution for your business.
Real Value
We don’t offer a standard demo, but rather our Pimcore Foundations Demo. The Basilicom Pimcore Foundations extend the Pimcore core system and accelerate your process, so you don’t have to start from scratch. Experience the added speed and efficiency in action.

Basilicom is the no.1 Pimcore Agency

We do 100% Pimcore - since always. Basilicom is Pimcore Platinum Partner and certified Pimcore Enterprise Integrator.

Information Supply Chain
Management with Pimcore

BASILICOM IS the No.1 Pimcore Agency

"I’ve never seen a demo like this before—it’s on a completely different level."
Sven Markschläger - former Chief Digital Officer at Krombacher

A real demo

We don’t do standard demos. We offer you a real demo - customized for your needs. For that, we’ll need some of your data and an understanding of your use cases. It’s a bit of effort for both of us, but it’s absolutely worth it.

More than 150 projects with Pimcore

Pimcore is at the heart of every one of our projects. Our extensive expertise in effectively orchestrating Pimcore is the key to our clients' success.

Ready for a real demo?

Having an experienced Pimcore partner for a demo is essential to fully harness Pimcore’s potential. Our team of 40+ Pimcore experts ensures the right architecture, data structure, and flawless implementation. I’d be happy to discuss this further in an initial meeting.

Martin Schröder - Senior Account Manager

Book a real demo

Pimcore is the platform for data and experience management

Product information management (PIM)
Manage and enhance your product data with the most flexible data structure in the world.
Product data and assets have always belonged together. Pimcore can handle both seamlessly.
Master Data management (MDM)
Pimcore can store any type of enterprise data on a single centralized platform. Product data is just the beginning.
Digital Experience PLATFORM (DXP)
Create unique experiences with consistent data across all digital channels.
Customer Data Platform (CDP)
With Pimcore, you can store, segment, and further process consumer data, seamlessly integrating it with other systems.
Ecommerce Plattform
Pimcore integrates with existing ecommerce systems and offers its own flexible eCommerce framework for a sophisticated digital commerce experience.

Our pimcore AUDIT

You are already using Pimcore? Is your current Pimcore setup falling short of expectations? With our audit, we’ll identify the underlying issues, align your goals, data, and processes, and get your entire setup back on track for success.

Exclusively with us:
The Pimcore ERP Extension

Our Pimcore ERP Extension enhances Pimcore with an Order Management System (OMS) and an Warehouse Management System (WMS). We’ll show you how it can optimize your e-commerce processes and fulfillment.

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